Kathryn Benson Coaching

Step Into Empowered Intimacy | Create The Love You Desire & Deserve

Welcome! You’re probably here because you’re struggling in your relationship & wondering why there’s so much conflict if you’re so good together? Or, maybe you're mending a broken heart and determined not to repeat the same patterns next time. 

You've come to the right place!

I help professional women who are tired of heartbreak stop feeling stuck in difficult relationships, so they can create the safety, connection, and love they desire (and deserve!).

In my 12 week signature program, I work with you to:

  • Process & release past heartbreaks
  • Understand & shift your relationship programming
  • Do the inner work to create healthy relationship foundations
  • Step into your confident & empowered Future Self

Are you ready to say YES to YOU?? And YES to LOVE?? Book a free call today to see what's possible.

"Our relationships are our greatest teachers. With them come opportunities to heal, grow, and become better versions of ourselves."

- Kathryn Benson

Here’s a little secret: I used to stumble through my relationships, sabotaging things or making poor choices because I didn't know any better. 

I’ve been to the hard places - messy crying on the floor after another argument-turned-breakup, or helplessly engaging in cycles of dysfunction with men I loved deeply.

Yet all of this led me to where I am today - to this work.

I’m here so that your road doesn’t need to be as bumpy or painful as mine was. I've been through this work so I can walk with you through yours. You don't have to do this alone; I've got you!

Not sure where to start?

Book a free call & we'll create a path forward together!

I see you. I'm here for you. 

Say yes to yourself & book a free call today. We'll explore what's going on & develop a strategy so you can find a way out of the dark. You don't have to do this alone!